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Energy Master Plan

“Designing the Future Cities” including efficient energy use.

Urban functional concentration brought the issue of energy (electrical and gas) consumption.
Simultaneously, buildings’ efficient energy use is advanced since the spread of LED devices.
Buildings’ energy efficiency and lowering carbonization are also attained for large-scale development projects, by generating heat with electric power, inducing stable energy supply system even during the emerging situation.

Currently the autonomous community that enhances energy efficiency and BCP (Business Continuation Plan) is also increasing.
In order to enhance energy efficiency and lowering carbonization, deliberating the usage of the energy by whole community is inevitable, concentrating on energy use for housing, renewal of small medium-scale building, and DHC (District Heating and Cooling).

As for energy master plan, we establish guideline for its realization by analyzing current electric power and heat demand, simultaneously indicating policy of optimization of energy by the city unit.
By indicating the common guideline for community building, localness, government, and development enterprise play each role of achieving lowering and enforcing carbonization in the city.

Sapporo Central Energy Network Plan

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