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News 2018

Newly founded company program [NIHON SEKKEI AWARDS]

This year, Nihon Sekkei founded a company awards program including two new titles: [Best Practice Awards] and [NIHON SEKKEI Awards]. Its aim is to create an opportunity to generate a dialogue amongst the company members and re-examine the company’s projects.

[Best Practice Awards]: These awards will be given to teams whose projects embodied “Spirit,” the company philosophy as a “collective of genuine professionals” and actively pursued “the vision to co-create future values” and produce excellent results.

[NIHON SEKKEI Awards]: These awards aim for the improvement of architectural planning, design and technical capability, and will be given to built works, technological applications and achievements.

On August 30, 2018, Nihon Sekkei selected the Merit Prize and Invigorating Prize recipients under [Best Practice Awards] as well as the First Prize, Merit Prize, Special Prize and Gold Prize recipients under [NIHON SEKKEI Awards]. The Gold Prize was given to those whom gathered the most votes from all company members.

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